Finally, There's a 'Barbie' & 'Oppenheimer' Crossover T
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Finally, There's a 'Barbie' & 'Oppenheimer' Crossover T

Oct 09, 2023

Life just hasn't been the same since I realized that Greta Gerwig's Barbie movie and Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer both premiere on the same date. July 21, 2023 is destined to go down in filmic history as the day that moviegoers were forced to choose between seeing a gritty thriller based on the man who helped birth the atomic bomb and a himbofied Ryan Gosling.

Then again, why choose? It's not about picking a winner, really, but about celebrating the fact that two grossly unrelated movies inexplicably share a release date.

That is the duality of man, my friends, and it's now epitomized in a T-shirt.

After tinkering with a few different mockups, enterprising Twitter user @NotoraEnt hit upon the perfect mash-up of the Barbie and Oppenheimer logos, juxtaposing each film's name across a bi-color T-shirt perfectly positioned for virality.

Better shades of pink & black

And viral it went, inspiring someone else to actually bring the design to life.

This, of course, only brought fresh attention to the fact that, yes, Barbie and Oppenheimer actually do premiere in theaters on the same day.


Someone get Warner Bros. (Barbie) and Universal (Oppenheimer) on the horn: they're literally losing money by not selling this thing themselves. Literally.

The good news is that, where there's a will (for money) there's a way. Don't be fooled by bots shilling fakes in the Twitter replies, the only legitimate Barbie/Oppenheimer mash-up (Barb-enheimer) is coming from the person who dreamed this thing up themselves.

Sold out 🤯

The bad news is that the pre-order for the Barbie/Oppenheimer T-shirt almost immediately sold out.

That's quite an achievement — not even the biggest streetwear brand on the planet can get people this excited these days.

Then again, it's worthy celebrating that, for some reason, whatever algorithm/astrology chart/tea leaves/room full of apes throwing darts at a giant calendar that the film studios use to plan release dates has coincidentally placed Barbie and Oppenheimer's premieres on the same day.

Well, maybe celebrating is the wrong word but it's worth an acknowledgement. And what better way than a novelty T-shirt that won't be funny anymore within a matter of weeks?